Communication, Ajoutée
le 15/04/2024 15:28
We present the modelling of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in graded index polymer fibres made with fluoropolymer CYTOPr(Cyclic Transparent Optical Polymer). Comparison of SBS in silica and polymer optical fibres is presented. What emerges is [...]
M. Dossou, P. Szriftgiser and A. Goffin
Communication, Ajoutée
le 15/04/2024 15:13
Although cladding Brillouin scattering (CBS) modes propagate mostly in the same
direction as the incident optical wave (co-directional propagation), contra-directional
propagations have been observed using an electronic spectrum analyzer. Stimulate [...]
M. Dossou, D. Bacquet, A. Goffin, and P. Szriftgiser
Communication, Ajoutée
le 15/04/2024 15:01
The paper highlights some recent results obtained on perfluorinated Graded Index Polymer Optical Fibres (PF GIPOF) of different core diameters. The fibres under test (FUT) are drawn from the preform and from the continuous extrusion processes. The re [...]
A. Goffin, P. Megret, C. Lethien, M. Dossou, S. Bette
Communication, Ajoutée
le 03/04/2024 18:38
In this paper, Universal Filtered Multicarrier (UFMC) and Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC), the promising filter based waveforms are proposed in Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial, second generation (DVB-T2) as an alternative to Orthogonal Frequen [...]
Honfoga Anne-Carole, Dossou M., Moeyaert Véronique
Communication, Ajoutée
le 26/02/2024 19:02
Renewable energy projects in Cameroon have suffered sustainability issues and it is essential to explore
sustainable approaches which could enhance project performance. The country has the third largest
hydroelectric potentials (about 23 GW) in Afr [...]
Chu Donatus IWEH, Guy Clarence SEMASSOU, Roger H. AHOUANSOU
Communication, Ajoutée
le 26/02/2024 18:58
Coffee cultivation, harvesting and post-harvesting contribute to the quality
of the parchment beans. Coffee depulping plays a key role in wet
processing as parchments represent a third of the coffee cherries’ mass.
However, due to a lack of inform [...]
Communication, Ajoutée
le 26/02/2024 18:48
In order to fill its energy deficit and reduce its import of energy from neighboring countries, Benin opts for the construction
of micro-solar photovoltaic power plants in the sunniest regions and to consider injecting it into the existing electrici [...]
FANNOU Jean-Louis Comlan, SEMASSOU Guy Clarence, DANGNON Emmanuel, ADJALLA Dieudonné K.
Communication, Ajoutée
le 26/02/2024 18:43
Aujourd’hui, une pression croissante s’exerce pour décarboniser le réseau électrique par l’utilisation de
sources d’énergies renouvelables. Cependant, la plupart de ces sources posent un problème pour remplacer
facilement les centrales électriques [...]
Iweh Chu Donatus, SEMASSOU Guy Clarence, AHOUANSOU Roger et GUIDI Clotilde
Communication, Ajoutée
le 26/02/2024 18:34
La présente communication parle de la conception et la réalisation d’un système de pesage automatique
des graines de coton dans une station d’ensachage. Il est essentiellement axé sur la pesée des graines
par un système de pesage automatique afin d [...]
Guy Clarence SEMASSOU ; Roger AHOUANSOU ; Madjidatou CHABI ; Toussaint KOSSOU ; Jean-Albert HOUESSOU
Communication, Ajoutée
le 26/02/2024 18:26
L’optimisation des systèmes solaires autonomes suscite beaucoup d’intérêt dans le monde scientifique. En effet,
elle permet aux systèmes solaires d’être plus viables et plus fiables. Cependant, très peu de chercheurs ont travaillé
sur le stockage d [...]
SEMASSOU Guy Clarence ; SANYA Emile ; DAI TOMETIN Derrick